Why Holistic Psychotherapy?
Han Kim Han Kim

Why Holistic Psychotherapy?

The Western cultural focus on intellect and empiricism overlooked the other part of our life. The medical model of treatment and the role of the insurance companies resulted in symptom management rather than resolving root causes. This is why we need Holistic Psychotherapy, addressing the root causes and learning to play with this life holistically so that you can create the life you want.

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Emotions are physical energy - release them physically.
Han Kim Han Kim

Emotions are physical energy - release them physically.

Knowing the right thing to do rarely changes your emotions and behaviors, leaving you feeling defeated. Because emotions are physical energy, no amount of intellectual insights will resolve the knot in your gut. In particular, persistent mood issues and trauma reactions require physical processing with Mindfulness to relieve past adversities.

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Challenge your beliefs - the “Don’t Know” mind
Han Kim Han Kim

Challenge your beliefs - the “Don’t Know” mind

Once you recognize you “Don’t Know” anything in its entirety, now you have opportunities to know. When you fall in love, you pay attention to the person in detail, and do what’s needed. Do the same everyday, falling in love with your life. This is how you can live your life in full.

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How to reduce stress? Stop trying. Start living.
Han Kim Han Kim

How to reduce stress? Stop trying. Start living.

Many of my clients come to therapy saying, "I'm always stressed." It means they are trying to fit the world in your box set by other people's expectations. Stop trying to meet the other people’s expectation. Start living and creating the life you want!

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What is Thought? – Yogic & Buddhist psychology
Han Kim Han Kim

What is Thought? – Yogic & Buddhist psychology

Often we ask ourselves “WHY” we have certain thoughts, but it is rare to explore WHAT is Thoughts. Neuroscience explores where thoughts are happening, but it is hard to find a study that explains WHAT it is. Have you thought about it? This is an explanation of Yogic & Buddhist psychology, and I hope you learn to become the Master of your thoughts, not the other way around.

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What is Emotion? – Buddhist Psychology
Han Kim Han Kim

What is Emotion? – Buddhist Psychology

The river of Emotion needs to flow to allow the field of your life to flourish. It is the beautiful energy of life when we learn how to use it. Anger is too a beautiful volition to get rid of or change the things you don't like. Every meaningful change starts with feeling angry at something. Using it properly will drive you to endure many challenges until the change is made. But, if you mishandle it, it can be destructive to all, like a flood.

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What is Anxiety?
Han Kim Han Kim

What is Anxiety?

When we know what it is and how it works, we can make changes. Rather than just knowing symptoms, when we understand what is anxiety, we can find ways to manage it better.

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