Trauma & PTSD Therapy

With Mindfulness, EMDR, Brainspotting & Hypnotherapy, we help you rewrite the story where you become wiser instead stay wounded.


Understanding Trauma & PTSD

Trauma can come from witnessing or experiencing atrocities, such as war, physical or sexual violence, or emotional abuse. Trauma is the result of what happened to us and how we make sense of what happened. These negative emotions associated with the traumatic experience can leave long-lasting effects on one’s life when left untreated.

For many people, it may not be a big trauma like major life-threatening events. We tend to hold a few vivid memories that keep us on edge or vigilant to prevent them from ever happening again.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder, and other types of anxiety issues come from the fear of re-living the negative emotions.

Who needs Trauma & PTSD therapy?

If you feel stuck in feelings of sadness, isolation, anxiety, or fear, trauma & anxiety therapy can help you reclaim your life.

When people experience these negative symptoms, they try to push away the memories or fight against their feelings; yet, this very avoidance sustains and worsens problems. Since our memory has no “Delete” function, every effort of pushing them away counts as plus one. Therefore, the harder you try to control them, the more intense anxiety you will experience.

Some of our clients told us they don’t have any memory of trauma or distressing events when experiencing intense anxiety. But we found most of them blocked those memories to avoid the emotions, but it still manifests as severe anxiety.

It is time to address them adequately.

How do we help?

We incorporate Mindfulness, EMDR, Brainspotting & Hypnotherapy techniques to help clients gently confront and work through difficult memories and experiences while learning to live more fully in the present moment and regain the joy of life.

Mindfulness helps us recognize that we are suffering from our memories, not living in this present moment. Thus, we can regain normalcy by shifting the focus to the present life experience while consciously recognizing the threat is not present.

On the other hand, EMDR, Brainspotting, & Hypnotherapy helps us gently confront the disturbing memories and change the narratives through Memory Reconsolidation. So that you can associate neutral and positive emotions with the distressful events.

You can learn more about Memory Reconsolidation with this NPR clip or see the Tedx Chicago talk by Karim Nader.


Visit Us

5400 Laurel Springs Pkwy #203

Suwanee, GA 30024

By appointments

(678) 941-4855